mardi 15 mai 2012

M²Bench: An ESB designed to fulfill industrial constraints

I am pleased and honored to introduce, today, after two years of deveolpments :
An ESB (Entreprise Services Bus) designed to fulfill industrial constraints, THE gateway between your industrial park and your IS.

Context of the project:
After a study on entreprise needs, we have concluded that the next big companies project is the gateway between IS and industrial tools
To anticipate the future, we have built a R&T team to work on a middleware communication solution, a fork of IS existant solution (ESB, MOM, ...) but with very low latency.

Objectives of the project:
o Share data, services and events on a virtual bus which can work on an entreprise or internet network.
o Build a modular and easy to use solution
o To develop independent services
o Hotstart and hotstop services capabilities
o Web HMI and mobile devices capabilities

o Design an ESB middleware who used a MOM (Messenge Oriented Middleware) server adapted to industrial constraints (DDS)
o Use JSON langage to optimize network trafic
o Create an API for scripts languages
o Develop a driving sequencer on ESB
o Create a hight performance gateway for Web HMI (API Javascript)

General usage of the ESB:
 (more information for ESB on:

Design of MATIS Modular solution (M²Bench):

- Existing services
- Services to develop

Next features:

Example of usage:
o Create an hypervisor for industrial tools
o Avoid double-entry between industrial and IS tools
o Control industrial tools remotely
o Hotreplace an industrial tools by a software simulator
o Test benches
o Product simulator
o Embedded communicating box
o ...

For information, this M²Bench will be available soon with a double licence opensource + commercial.

Thanks to the direction of MATIS to have supported me in this experience. I hope this project will also be useful for others (and mostly used).

Marc Buils
Project Manager of M²Bench